AKT LS Program final ceremony

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AKT LS Program final ceremony

October 3, 2018 – CDF through its USAID AKT LS Program, has worked in 16 municipalities in the past 4 years, aiming to foster positive and constructive inter-ethnic communication, centered on common problems, needs, and solutions. AKT LS focused on opportunities to get people thinking, talking and engaging with members of the other communities. This included opportunities to better integrate non-majority and majority markets, including improved overall value chains to encourage long-term economic viability of businesses, and increased responsiveness of local administrations to the service needs of non-majority communities.

On October 3rd, CDF celebrated the successful implementation of the program as well as the ending of it. The ceremony was attended by the USAID Kosovo Mision Director Mrs. Lisa Magno, the Minister of Economic Development Mr. Valdrin Lluka and Mayors of the targeted municipalities, Representatives of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Local Administration, all of the program’s partners and collaborators as well as other actors involved in the 4-year journey.

Some of the highlights of this journey are:

– 431 new jobs generated