Strengthening TB control in Kosovo


The overall objective is to reduce TB burden in Kosovo (decreasing the notification rate from 45/100,000 in 2016 to 36/100,000 in 2018)

Specific Objectives

SO1: Ensure equitable access to high-quality diagnosis, treatment, care and prevention that is integrated and patient-centered, with a focus on vulnerable population, including children, ethnic minorities and the prison population;

SO2: Strengthen health support system and use community systems to enable needs-based sustainable and integrated interventions for key populations most affected by the TB epidemic.

Core Project Activities:

  1. Expand and enhance high-quality DOTS;
  2. Address TB/HIV, MDR-TB and other challenges;
  3. Contribute to health system strengthening;
  4. Engage all health care providers in tuberculosis care;
  5. Empower people with TB and communities through improving their knowledge and awareness about disease.

Project details

  • Grant Contract No.: 984
  • Overall budget: 2,128,177.00 EUR
  • Start Date: 01 April 2018 – 31 December 2018
  • Target Groups: TB patients and their family members;
    MDR-TB suspects and patients;
    Medical personnel and lab technicians;
    TB/HIV patients;
    Private providers, non-NTP public providers.
  • Program Sub-recipients: 1. NGO Antidans
    2. NGO HAD
    3. NGO Kea
    4. NGO AHED