Improving the allocative efficiency of Kosovo’s HIV response

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Improving the allocative efficiency of Kosovo’s HIV response

May 30, 2019 – ‘Kosovo is a low HIV prevalence country with prevalence <1% among the general population and <5% among key populations. There have been 122 HIV cases registered in Kosovo since 1986. There were no cases detected through the surveillance surveys among people who inject drugs (PWID) or female sex workers in 2011, 2014, 2018. HIV prevalence is increasing among men who have sex with men (MSM) from 0%(no detected cases) in 2011 to 2.8% in 2018.’. This fact, among others, is one of the findings of the report ‘Improving the allocative efficiency of Kosovo’s HIV response’, which was launched by CDF today. The report is an analysis of the allocative efficiency of Kosovo’s HIV response and was conducted using Optima HIV, an epidemiological model of HIV transmission that is coupled with a programmatic component and a resource optimization algorithm. The analysis aims at helping the National Program to determine the impact of past and current resources as well as how close Kosovo could reach the national HIV targets by 2022, with the latest funding allocations.

Following the presentation, the panel discussion highlighted the acknowledgments of the key findings and recommendations of the key analysis and further recommended the review of the National Strategic planning, to prioritize targeted interventions and optimize allocation.

This is the first that Kosovo sees through analysis based on evidence, projected estimations of HIV disease burden and of Cascade 90-90-90.

The report was prepared by the HIV Optima team with the Burnet Institute in collaboration and coordination with the HIV/AIDS National Monitoring and Evaluation officer seconded to Ministry of Health, the CDF HIV Program Manager of the Global Fund grant and the Country team.

CDF HIV country team is very appreciative of the support of: 

Sherrie Kelly
Optima HIV team
Burnet Institute
The Global Fund

Read the report:
