End of the Year TB workshop

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End of the Year TB workshop

December 13, 2018 – CDF through its GF TB Program held its end of the year workshop, in Gjakova, on 11th and 12th  December.

The reason of this two-day event was to present all the achievements and challenges of the program during this year, while also setting goals and objectives for the upcoming years. Main figures that attended the event are: Dr. Majlinda Gjocaj, Head of National Tuberculosis Program; Dr. Lulzim Çela, CDF TB Manager; and Dr. Xhevat Kurhasani, Head of non-governmental organization KEA.

On the first day of the event, each of the main figures held a speech about the program and its successes in this year and the challenges for the years to come. On the second day of the event, the attendees were divided into groups, in order to come up with a solution on how to tackle the challenges of the program.

Even though, this event had a celebratory note, it also served to see where the program stands at the moment and what should be done to improve it.

CDF is the main recipient of Global Fund for the Programs of HIV and TB since 2011 in Kosovo.