6th Regional CBC Consultative Forum

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6th Regional CBC Consultative Forum

November 16, 2018 – For the first time, this year Kosovo hosted the 6th CBC Regional Consultative Forum from 14 until 15 November 2018 in Prishtina. The Forum was organized by the European Union project ‘Cross Border Institution Building – CBIB + Phase II’ in cooperation with the Ministry of Local Government Administration of Kosovo. The participating guests were representatives of the Institutional structures managing the EU-funded cross border programs under the Instruments for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) from Western Balkans.

The Community Development Fund (CDF), an implementing partner of the CBC Projects funded by EU, was invited to the forum to present the ‘Via DinaricA Project’ in Cross-border Region between Albania–Kosovo. CDF stated that new Via Dinarica project is a result of the successful implementation of the “Via Peaks of Dinarica Alps” between Kosovo – Montenegro. The new Via Dinarica project connects Kosovo and Albania through new hiking and biking trails that travel along cross-border routes linking mountain communities, people and their cultures thus contributing to enhance cross-border economic activities through unique models of adventure tourism based on natural, traditional and cultural values of the region.