Component 2 - Business Development
Through grant funding and training programs in support of start-ups and existing businesses with high likelihood of commercial viability this component will promote self-employment and income generation particularly among youth and women as particularly disadvantaged groups. This component will also focus on capacity building for aspiring entrepreneurs in business and financial planning, marketing and sales, as well as sector specific trainings.
The business development component will work to facilitate business linkages between majority and minority businesses, and confirm the economic development priorities of partner municipalities so they can work more effectively with the private sector.
Some of the main outcomes of this component will be:
- Organization of Business-to-Business (B2B) events and business fairs with businesses from majority and minority communities in order to create business linkages.
- Training programs on entrepreneurship and business development will be offered to youth, women, returnees and minorities.
- Creation of jobs for youth, women, returnees and minorities.
- Support active small businesses with the potential to scale up to medium-sized enterprises, thereby providing more employment opportunities.