Obtaining Fiscal and VAT Certificates for MSMEs in Kosovo (Guide)

After successfully registering your Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) with the Kosovo Business Registration Agency (KBRA) and opening a bank account, your next essential step is to obtain the Fiscal Number Certificate and VAT Certificate. These certificates are vital for the lawful operation of your business and are issued by the Tax Administration of Kosovo (TAK). This comprehensive guide outlines the requirements and steps involved in obtaining these crucial certificates, specifically tailored for the Kosovo environment.


Before delving into the certificate acquisition process, ensure that you have:

  • Registered your business with the KBRA.
  • Opened a business bank account

Required Documents for Fiscal Number Certificate

To apply for the Fiscal Number Certificate, the following documents are required:

  1. Application Form: This is the initial document where all the necessary information about your business will be filled in.
  2. Photocopy of Director(s) Passport(s): A valid identification document for the key individuals involved in the business.
  3. Bank Account Statement: To confirm your business bank account.
  4. Business Registration Certificate and Information about Business: Documents issued post-registration with KBRA.
  5. Photocopy of Incorporation Documents: Required for due diligence and to understand the structure and legality of your business.
  6. Power of Attorney: In case the director isn’t the person completing the registration, a power of attorney for the authorized individuals is needed.
  7. Photocopy of ID Card of the Authorized Person: For identification purposes.
  8. Lease Agreement/Ownership Certificate: Proof of the location where the business will be situated.

Required Documents for VAT Certificate

To apply for the VAT Certificate, ensure you have:

  1. Application Form: Similar to the Fiscal Number Certificate but specifically for VAT.
  2. Photocopy of the Fiscal Number Certificate: To confirm that you have successfully registered for a Fiscal Number.
  3. Photocopy of Director(s) Passport(s): Valid identification is required.
  4. Business Registration Certificate and Information about Business: To confirm the legal status of your business.
  5. Authorization Form: Downloadable from TAK’s official website if registration is not done by the legal representative.
  6. Photocopy of ID Card of Authorized Person: For identification purposes.

The Process

  1. Gather All Required Documents: Prepare all documents meticulously to avoid any delays.
  2. Visit the Tax Administration of Kosovo (TAK): Submit the forms and all necessary documents.
  3. Review and Verification: TAK officials will review the documents, and any discrepancies will be communicated for rectification.
  4. Certificate Issuance: After successful verification, the Fiscal Number Certificate and VAT Certificate will be issued. The process usually takes about two weeks.

Example: Obtaining Certificates for a Craft Business

Imagine you’re running a craft business, selling handmade goods. You’d gather all the documents mentioned above and head to the TAK office. After approximately two weeks, assuming all your documents are in order, you’d be issued your Fiscal Number and VAT Certificates, enabling you to operate your business fully within the bounds of Kosovo law.

Obtaining the Fiscal Number and VAT Certificates is a critical step in legitimizing your business operations in Kosovo. While the process may seem cumbersome, adherence to the document requirements and procedural steps will ensure a smooth experience. After this, you’ll have obtained all three critical certificates, positioning your MSME for operational excellence and growth.

Note: If the shareholder of the limited liability company is an individual (not a legal entity), all three certificates—Business Registration, Fiscal, and VAT—can be obtained with the KBRA.

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