18 Commercial Contracts Signed Between Activity’s Target Businesses and Local Pharmacies

Prishtine, 29 March, 2024  — A big achievement happened at the recent B2B event within the Medicinal Plants Sector, as 18 commercial contracts were signed between women and minority-owned businesses and local pharmacies. This shows a pivotal advancement towards fostering economic inclusion within the community.

Organized by USAID’s Inclusive Economic Engagement Activity, implemented by the Community Development Fund (CDF), in collaboration with Business Support Centre Kosovo, the event served as a platform for synergy and collaboration. Over 20 targeted businesses met with 10 local pharmacies, showcasing the potential for mutually beneficial partnerships.

The signing of these commercial contracts shows the tangible outcomes of focused efforts towards promoting inclusivity and diversity in economic endeavors. By facilitating connections between underrepresented entrepreneurs and local stakeholders, the event not only promotes business growth but also creates a more inclusive economic landscape.

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