Introductory meeting with the Municipality of Kllokotit
Head of Citizen Engagement Component/DCOP Mr. Nenad Maksimovic, together with the Communication Coordinator Mr. Besnik Sherifi and Technical Engineer Mr. Viktor Djokic conducted a meeting with the Mayor of Klokot/Kllokot Mr. Srtecko Spasic. The timeline for the sending priority list of infrastructure project has been agreed and the municipality had pledged co-finance resources for the implementation of infrastructural project.
As the official Youth Action Council is not functional, the AKT-LS Regional Coordinators will organize meetings of the municipal youth organization to define the priority list for youth in municipality.
The AKT LS Regional Coordinators will also organize meetings of women group to define the priority list of infrastructural projects in respective municipality. Meetings with these two groups will be organized by the end of January 2015.