Empowering women and minority entrepreneurs by expanding market access

Women and minority-owned enterprises face unique challenges, particularly when venturing into new markets. These obstacles include limited resources for market growth investments, skills gaps, and limited access to business networks. USAID’s Inclusive Economic Engagement Activity strives to address these challenges. 

A recent USAID assessment, focused on the needs and potential of micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) in accessing the Kosovo market value chain, identified two integration opportunities: integration into e-commerce platforms and in retail and whole food service industry.  

Additionally, the activity adapted a comprehensive strategy that included delivering tailored assistance and providing training and resources to empower women and minority-owned enterprises. This empowering initiative has opened doors for these enterprises, enabling them to enter previously untapped markets.

As a result of these efforts, 36 commercial contracts were established. Specifically, 24 businesses signed contracts with Dyqani.com and GjirafaMall, both e-commerce platforms, leading to increased demand, the establishment of an online presence, and expansion of their customer base. Furthermore, the activity facilitated market access by assessing beneficiary needs, providing  resources for market chain requirements, and facilitating the establishment of 14 commercial agreements between the selected businesses and larger market actors.

USAID continues to work toward enhancing the resilience of women and minority entrepreneurs, equipping them for future economic hurdles and bolstering their growth potential. 

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