Empowering the Inclusion – Market Linkage Facilitation

Kosovo’s entrepreneurs, especially women and minorities, have found a strong ally in the USAID Inclusive Economic Engagement Activity. This initiative is more than just words; it’s about action. By breaking down barriers and facilitating market integration, the Activity is on a mission to ensure these businesses don’t just survive but thrive in the market. Their work is cut out for them, but the results are promising within a mere 6 months, as 31 businesses have successfully marked their presence in the market.

Fatjona Kasapi, who runs Fati Bio Farm in Peja, has been an example of resilience in the face of challenges common to female entrepreneurs in Kosovo. With the Activity’s support, she expanded her cheese market and formed three strategic partnerships in Peja penetrating into several restaurants. Then there’s Slavica Djokic of Red Diamond, a goji berry enterprise. Under the Activity’s guidance, her business went digital and saw a significant boost in demand, all attributed to their presence in a special online category for women and minority businesses at Dyqani.com. She sold by now a significant share of products through online presence.

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